We provide ready made and instant quiz packages. The ready made quiz packages can be downloaded easily. The prize customised trophy will be sent as part of the pub quiz champion, big quiz night and Children Party Quiz . The trophy is a physical product and you can order quiz books as paperbook throught Amazon link.In case of any difficulties, we have provided this section for common questions and answers that maybe raised. If you cannot look for the answers needed, please fill in the contact form through this link Contact – Engaged Games with your question. We will reply soon as possible
Will I receive a physical product?
As explained, our ready made quiz packages are digitally downloadable. You can download the quiz questions, the answer sheet, scoresheet and certificate after completing the purchase. They can be instantly printed at the comfort and convenience of your home, workplace or holiday. For our Pub Quiz Champion, Big Quiz Night and Children Party Quiz , a customised made trophy as the main prize will be included and our physical product distributed.
For the Interactive Quiz Game books, you need to click on the Amazon link to purchase the book on the site by kindle book or paperback. Once you have completed the book that you want, you need to download the board game template for the books you have purchased on Amazon. Here is the link of the board game templates Printable Board Games – Engaged Games . To gain full experience of playing like an actual board game, we recommend printing as an A3 template. You can print on A3 at your local library or print shop. Here is a picture to show how

I have a PC and MAC. Will these files work on my computer?
The digital files are compactible with all computers. The files are a combination PDF and JPEG. Having access is Adobe PDF is required. You can download through this link for free Download Adobe Acrobat Reader: Free PDF viewer. These are used as handouts to play like a real quiz environment, where contestants jot their answers on the scoresheet and questions are handed out. Alternatively, you can use Powepoint attached to a projector to play like a quiz in front of audience, bringing the thrills and excitements of a real quiz. The Powerpoint includes the instructions, quiz rounds and tie breaker questions.
Can I print at home?
Yes, you can print at home. Due to the low cost and being quick, it is very easy to print. The quality of printing will be excellent for most home printers.
Any tips for printing?
We recommend print at the actual size and look for thickness.
Do you require help?
If you require any further help and assistance, please fill in the contact form through this link Contact – Engaged Games with your question. We will reply soon as possible
What are your terms of use? Are the items allowed to be reselled?
No, all items purchases through www.engagedgames.co.uk are strictly for personal use only. Digital copies , customised trophy or our physical books on Amazon, cannot be shared, redistributed or sold
The copyright to our files are retained by us. It is strictly prohibited to do this. Please respect this.